How to Create a Campaign on Mailchimp | Creating A Campaign On Mailchimp Fast
Learn How to Create a Campaign on Mailchimp | Creating A Campaign On Mailchimp Fast and easiest ever 2017. In email marketing, you may hear people talk about layouts, designs, campaigns, messages, code, and templates. An important distinction we make at MailChimp is the difference between our templates, which are reusable layouts, and our campaigns, which are your individual email messages. MailChimp makes it easy for you to reuse campaign designs or replicate existing campaigns, but in general, you should put reusable content in templates and message-specific content in campaigns. There are many template options available in MailChimp, but you can also create your own template to match your brand. You can even insert regularly used images, logos, or recurring content into your template, and reuse it for future campaigns. A campaign is a marketing message that you share through email, ads, or other channels. In MailChimp, most users start with a regular email campaign. To create a campaign, follow these steps. ============================================== Navigate to the Campaigns page. Click Create Campaign. Click Create an Email. On the Regular tab, enter a campaign name and choose a list. Click Begin. On the Recipients step, choose a list from the drop-down menu. Click Entire list, or pick a segmentation option. To proceed, click Next. On the Setup step, input your Email subject, Preview Text, From name, and From email address. Enable tracking tools, connect social media, and configure advanced settings from the available options. When you're finished, click Next. On the Template step, choose one of the following options to create and add your content. Template step options Click Layouts to choose a Featured or Basic template. Featured templates provide recommendations for the type of content to include in a campaign when you want to accomplish a specific goal, and Basic templates allow you to add content to blank layouts. Click Themes to select from our predesigned layouts. The Saved templates tab allows you to select from any templates you've previously saved or imported. The Campaigns tab displays 25 recently sent campaigns and draft campaigns with content. The Code your own tab displays three ways to import a campaign layout from outside of MailChimp: Paste in code, Import from zip, and Import from URL. On the Design step, you'll input and customize your campaign content. Click the Preview and Test drop-down menu to Enter preview mode, Send a test email, Push to mobile, Open Link Checker, or customize Social Cards. Preview and Test drop-down menu with cursor on Enter preview mode. Click the X in the top-right corner of the screen to return to the Design step. After you complete your design, click Next. On the Confirm step, review the Campaign Checklist. Click Resolve to fix any errors that may appear. Click the Edit button to return to a step and make other changes. To view and edit the automatically generated plain-text version of your campaign click Edit in the Plain-Text Email section of the checklist. After you test your campaign, you can send the campaign immediately, or schedule it to go out at another time. Send or schedule If you're ready to send the campaign to your subscribers, click Send. In the Prepare for launch modal, click Send Now to confirm your send . Your campaign is on its way! Note Your campaign can't be stopped or edited after it's sent. Accounts with the MailChimp Pro add-on have the option to cancel some campaigns after they're sent. Tips for Designing Your Campaign When you send a campaign through MailChimp, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind when you create your content. Each recipient on your MailChimp list is hidden from ++++++********============*********+++++++++ I am on all the popular social media for you "Connect with me" Website: Weebly: Pinterest: Facebook: Twitter: Blogger: Medium: Wordpress: